Saint Monica School celebrated our earth during Earth Week with a series of activities.

The Student Council sponsored a Creative Contest focusing on the themes: ecology, environmentalism, stewardship. Open to all grades, students were asked to create an art project/diorama, compose a musical piece/song or write an essay, shorty story or poem expressing one of these themes. Over XXX entries were received! One winner was chosen from each grade. Winning entries included (these are made up!) a backyard diorama, a poem titled “We Only Have One Earth,” and a poster “Black and Blue, and Green, Too” on using the correct bins. Winners were awarded a gift certificate to Joe’s Ice Cream.

The 8th grade class also put Environmentalism into action. Each day during Earth Week, the 8th graders scoured the school yard after the last recess picking up any stray trash. They made sure to use the proper bins (black, blue, green) when disposing of trash.