Saint Monica Faculty & Staff
The faculty and staff of Saint Monica School welcome our students and families into the full school program. Our faculty are experienced and highly collaborative. All faculty at Saint Monica School hold a valid California teaching credential. Several have advanced degrees.
The faculty provides an exceptional Catholic education in a formative and supportive school environment. Our comprehensive program offers core curriculum, supporting curriculum (for example, art, technology), daily Extended Care, an Athletics Program, and various student enrichment opportunities.
Administrators, teachers and staff members may be contacted directly by email (see addresses below). For general inquiries regarding our school program or admissions, please contact our development office: development@stmonicasf.org or 415-751-9564.
To speak with one of the staff directly, please call the main school office at: 415-751-9564.
Faculty & Staff
Michael Devine
8th Grade Homeroom, ELA 6-8, Social Studies 8, Co-Assistant Principal