Faith & Service
Our founding order of Sisters made faith and service our foundation. Their charism remains in all we do as an inclusive, Catholic community of K-8 learners.
Our program is steeped in faith. Religion is a daily class with a focus on respect for all creation and treating everyone with dignity.
Our Sacramental Program prepares students in 2nd grade to make their first Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. In 8th grade, students take the next step in their faith through the Sacrament of Confirmation.
All students take part in monthly student-led school liturgies in the church. Each liturgy is prepared by one class with students acting as liturgical ministers, reading the scriptures to congregants and leading the prayers of the faithful.
Students also lead our daily school prayer during our morning assembly.
Being rich in diversity of faith, culture, and ethnicity makes us stronger. Volunteerism is highly valued. All are welcome to join in serving one another, walking humbly with God.
Some examples of students’ sharing in faith and acts of service include:
- In October, the school community bring their pets to school for the Feast of Saint Francis Blessing of the Animals.
- Our November Food Drive benefits the Missionaries of Charity.
- Our annual Christmas pageant takes place in the church.
- During Catholic Schools Week, students hold a clothing drive.
- As they learn about the celebration of Easter, kindergarten students hatch baby chicks in their classroom.
- The Student Council holds fundraisers throughout the year, for example bake sales to benefit natural disaster victims.
- Kindergarteners visit Little Sisters of the Poor.
- Beginning in 5th grade, all students are welcome to become altar servers and assist at daily and weekend Masses.