Middle School
Sixth Grade:
In this milestone year, students begin their journey toward graduating from Saint Monica and transitioning to high school. In sixth grade, students are fully integrated into the Junior High School setting. They earn new privileges and acquire new responsibilities. They experience different teachers in multiple subjects as the “departmentalized approach” to learning is expanded.
The focus in Religion is on spiritual awareness. As students study the Old Testament of the Bible, they analyze and discuss passages and reflect on how these messages may resonate within their own lives. In literature, students read a variety of literary genres and forms throughout the year, with the concentration on comprehension and story analysis. Clear self expression is the goal of English, developed through the practice of writing and grammar. The development and usage of expanded vocabulary is explicitly taught as well as incorporated across the curriculum.
Students explore Ancient World History in social studies, focusing on the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece, and Rome. Emphasis is also placed on current events. High school preparation is further enhanced as students in Math explore the principles and foundation of pre-algebra and learn about the earth in Science. Supporting curriculum for sixth grade students includes PE, Art, and Music. Technology is integrated into all classes.
7th Grade:
The Middle School journey continues in seventh grade. Saint Monica School students become teenagers in an unforgettable, defining year highlighted as much by social, physical and emotional development as it is by intellectual achievement. This year also marks the beginning of the high school evaluation process. Admission into local high schools is determined by students’ academic accomplishments at the end of the seventh and beginning of the eighth grade years. With this in mind, the seventh grade curriculum continues to challenge students to be enlightened, empowered and transformed.
Language Arts is divided into three subject areas: English (grammar), Literature and Vocabulary. Reading Comprehension is a hallmark of the 7th grade Literature class. Throughout the year, as students explore a variety of literary styles and genres, emphasis is placed on knowledge gained through comprehension to further each student’s interaction with the text: analysis, critical thinking, and figurative comprehension.
Writing as a process is the foundation with which students express themselves through a number of formal (descriptive, expository, persuasive and research reporting) as well as informal styles (journaling, creating stories and poems). English class is geared toward developing these writing skills. Equal emphasis is placed on proper language usage and mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling). Vocabulary building and expansion is explicitly taught as well as incorporated across the curriculum.
High school preparation is further enhanced as students study pre-Algebra and elements of Geometry in Mathematics, Life Science and Biology in Science, and World History and Current Affairs in Social Studies. Spiritual awareness is at the core of Religion class, as students learn about the life of Jesus in the four Gospels and try to apply Christ’s teachings to their own lives. Seventh grade students continue with Technology, Physical Education, Art, and Music.
8th Grade:
Our academic program prepares them well. Students take Algebra I, American History, Physical Science, English, Literature, Vocabulary, Art, Computer, Music, and Physical Education. English and Literature place a strong emphasis on grammar, language usage, mechanics, the writing process, and reading comprehension. Students read works from a variety of genres, both fiction and nonfiction.
Catholic students will continue their spiritual journey as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. As both a spiritual and class bonding experience, all students participate in the Confirmation retreat as well as fulfill service hour requirements. Throughout their time at Saint Monica School, eighth grade students have worked to achieve our Student Learning Expectations (GRACE) to become well rounded individuals.
Eighth graders are expected to be highly involved in the school and parish community by embracing their responsibilities as student leaders. Opportunities include tutoring, acting in drama, producing the yearbook, participating in Student Council and Service Club, singing in the choir, serving at Mass, and participating in our Bulldog sports program. Our graduating class embodies the outcomes of our Student Learning Expectations. They are ready to take the next step in their educational journey!