Physical Education:
Physical activity is an important aspect of both a child’s well-being and learning. In addition to recesses, students participate in PE twice a week. Saint Monica School contracts with Rhythm and Moves to provide an engaging and comprehensive physical education program. Through PE, students make the connection between physical fitness and improved schoolwork. Students are encouraged to make physical activity a part of their everyday lives. A strong emphasis is placed on the importance of fair play and respect for others. Activities alternate between physical conditioning exercises, team building exercises, and participation in traditional team sports. Training exercises for speed, power, agility, reaction and quickness (SPARQ) are interspersed throughout the year. PE takes place in the school yard or in our gym. Students wear their PE uniforms to school on PE days.
Language instruction has many benefits beyond learning a new language, including improved attention span and creativity. In preparation for high school and to live in a global world, Spanish is taught twice a week to students in all grades.
Music rounds out our art program at Saint Monica School. Students of all grades experience the joy of music. All classes have access to our music room that has a variety of musical instruments. Students learn songs for our monthly liturgical services and our choir practices regularly in our music room. Junior high students also create ensemble groups and perform in our annual Christmas Program and Spring Talent Show giving students an opportunity to gain confidence in their abilities.
Saint Monica boasts a 9,500 volume library with a full-time librarian. All students visit our library at least once a week. Younger students may choose one book per week. Older students may choose two. Books may be kept in the classroom or taken home. The library catalog is fully automated and students are taught how to search for books. Parents and students may access the catalog online to search for books at home. Students who donate books to the library are featured on the Birthday Club Wall for the school year.