Enrichment Activities
Saint Monica School offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities that give students the opportunity to engage in current interests, explore new ones, learn new skills, and more.
Students who participate in extracurricular activities go to extended care after school. They are picked up from and returned to extended care by the activity moderator/teacher.
Some activities are taught/moderated by volunteers and others by independent contractors. Depending on the activity, it may be free or tuition based. Contact the school office (office@stmonicasf.org) for details on grade eligibility, cost, and registration.
Extracurricular activities include:
- Lego/Robotics/Coding Club
- Middle School STEM Club
- Peer Tutoring
- Middle School Study Hall
- Yearbook Club
- Student Council
- Drama Club
- Altar Service
- Honors Choir
- Junior High Service Club
- Mandarin*
- Academic Chess
- Sunday Parish Mass Choir
*Minimum enrollment requirement for classes to take place