Art for Auction!

Art for Auction!

Our annual Gala Dinner & Auction – A Magical Night in Bollywood – is coming Saturday, May 3rd. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and it’s all hands on deck! All grades do their part by creating a work of art to be auctioned at the event. Parent volunteers...
The Last Supper

The Last Supper

We are in our most solemn time of year as we prepare for Easter. During Lent, our students participate in a host of activities in remembrance and celebration of Jesus rising on the 3rd day after dying on the cross.The second grade class performed a special reenactment...
Helen and Joe Farkas Center

Helen and Joe Farkas Center

The students in our 5th grade class buddy with the preschoolers at our sister school, Saint Thomas Apostle. In celebration of Dr. Suess’s birthday, the 5th graders made a visit to see their buddies. They helped make a “Green Eggs and Ham” snack then shared with their...
Green Eggs and Ham

Green Eggs and Ham

The students in our 5th grade class buddy with the preschoolers at our sister school, Saint Thomas Apostle. In celebration of Dr. Suess’s birthday, the 5th graders made a visit to see their buddies. They helped make a “Green Eggs and Ham” snack then shared with their...
California Academy of Sciences

California Academy of Sciences

Science was brought to life when our 4th Grade Class took a trip to the California Academy of Sciences. The rocks and minerals exhibit was an ideal follow up to their minerals project. They also explored the many other exhibits, including the rainforest, aquarium and...
Spirit & Sports Appreciation Week Is Here!

Spirit & Sports Appreciation Week Is Here!

This week is all about school spirit! To show our spirit, students had some fun! They started the week with crazy hat day. Then, we celebrated our favorite sports teams with sports jersey day. We followed up with class color day where each class was assigned a color...
“Mean Girls, Jr.” Rehearsals Begin

“Mean Girls, Jr.” Rehearsals Begin

Rehearsals are underway for our Spring Musical Mean Girls, Jr.! Scripts have been passed out and readings are taking place. Our evening performance of Mean Girls, Jr. will be Saturday, May 17th at 7:00pm. Admission is free! Donations gladly accepted at the door. Thank...
Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week

During the last week in January, all Catholic Schools in the United States celebrate Catholic Schools Week. The theme this year is “United in Faith and Community.” We began the week with the student body attending the 8:30am Parish Mass. A host of activities are...
A Little Friendly Competition

A Little Friendly Competition

The Junior High engage in a friendly sports tournament which began this month. Students play a series of three games in three different sports – volleyball, basketball, soccer. At the end of the tournament, the class that wins the most games will receive a prize. The...
“I Have a Dream”

“I Have a Dream”

Yesterday, we enjoyed a school holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Still, MLK Day is more than just a day off school for us. Last week, classes remembered MLK in a variety of ways, including grades K-3 station rotation. This week, during morning assembly,...
Junior High Field Trip to SHCP Spring Concert

Junior High Field Trip to SHCP Spring Concert

Saint Monica School strives for a well-rounded education for our students. That includes learning about and an appreciation of music. Our Junior High took a field trip to Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory to attend their Spring Instrumental Concert where students...
Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Each month, grades K – 3 take part in a grade-wide station rotation. Each classroom teacher prepares a station reflecting the theme for the month and the classes move from station to station. This month’s theme was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Students learned about...
Christmas Pageant

Christmas Pageant

Christmas time is here! And so, it is time for our annual Christmas Pageant. This performance is a celebration of Christmas music and the birth of Jesus Christ. All students participate in the production. We head into Christmas break this Friday. We wish all of our...
5th Grade Science and Shadows

5th Grade Science and Shadows

Students begin learning about shadows in primary grades. In the intermediate grades, they learn more about the sun and the earth’s rotation. 5th grade students study how the sun “rises” in the east, “sets” in the west and how that affects shadows. As the earth rotates...
Our Lady of Guadalupe Hot Chocolate Sale

Our Lady of Guadalupe Hot Chocolate Sale

It was a wet, chilly morning – a perfect day for Hot Chocolate! In honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose feast day is December 12th, the Saint Monica Student Council held a Hot Chocolate Sale at morning recess to benefit The Gubbio Project. Toppings for the Hot...
Fort Funston Geological Field Trip

Fort Funston Geological Field Trip

The 6th grade class took a field trip to Fort Funston to learn about some of the geological features of Northern California. Students were guided by a current parent who is the USGS National Innovation Center Director. At Fort Funston, students searched for fossils...
Exploratorium & STEAM

Exploratorium & STEAM

The 7th grade took a field trip to the Exploratorium. The Exploratorium provides a unique hands-on experience for students in the areas of science, technology, engineering, art and math. The 7th graders spent the day exploring the museum’s many interactive exhibits,...
Habitat in a Jar

Habitat in a Jar

In 3rd grade, students make the transition from the primary to intermediate grades where they experience a more robust curriculum. Throughout the year, students demonstrate their mastery of content material by creating projects.As part of their current Science unit on...
Grandparents and Special Friends

Grandparents and Special Friends

We welcomed special visitors to Saint Monica for our annual Thanksgiving Grandparents and Special Friends Day. Our morning began with a prayer service where we celebrated the gift grandparents and friends are to our students. After the service, our guests were treated...
Thanksgiving Food Drive

Thanksgiving Food Drive

It has been our tradition at Saint Monica School to hold a food drive at Thanksgiving. This year, the non-perishables collected will go to Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa, to help feed the hungry. Students and parents stepped up collecting canned...


The 5th through 8th grades were treated to a performance of “Emma” at Archbishop Riordan High School. The trip offered more than an enjoyable experience. The visit gave students, especially 7th and 8th graders, an opportunity to get to know more about their choices in...
Tilden Nature Area Field Trip

Tilden Nature Area Field Trip

This month, grades K-3 took a fabulous field trip to Tilden Nature Area. It was a chance for urban children to experience rural. Students learned about the environment while hiking on the many trails through the park. In addition, they learned a bit about animals and...
“Charlotte’s Web”

“Charlotte’s Web”

Saint Monica students experience a comprehensive academic program of core curriculum (e.g., ELA, Math) and co-curriculars (e.g., Spanish, Art) to give them a rigorous, well-rounded education. We also offer a wide variety of extra-curricular (of after school)...
Botanical Gardens Field Trip

Botanical Gardens Field Trip

Field trips are an integral part of our primary grade experience where students get to learn and explore beyond the classroom. This month, the 1st grade class visited the San Francisco Botanical Garden. Students wandered through the “8,000 different kinds of plants...


In our primary and intermediate grades, homeroom teachers use the Mystery Science curriculum for core science instruction. Students love the comprehensive program that combines core lessons with hands on activities. In 1st grade, students are currently studying...
K – 3 Station Rotation

K – 3 Station Rotation

Each month, K through 3rd grades participate in a grade-wide station rotation. A theme is chosen and each classroom set up as one station. The students rotate between the 4 classrooms to take part in each station’s activity. Students have an opportunity to move about...
All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day

All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day

Today, our Student Body celebrated All Saints’ Day, the day when we honor all Saints in the Church, by attending the parish Mass. The primary grade students presented the readings, prayers and petitions. They also chose a saint to represent and dressed as that saint....
Halloween Parade and Carnival

Halloween Parade and Carnival

On October 31st, it is all about Halloween! Students started their day with a Halloween Pageant Parade. The Student Council sponsored the parade with each grade-group showing off their costumes to the student body, parents and guests. After lunch, students enjoyed the...
Art Is Back!

Art Is Back!

Art classes for the 2024-2025 school year have started! All students experience art once a week in our dedicated Art room under the direction of art teacher Rosie Firoozabadi. In keeping with the season, students decorated pumpkins as their first art project for the...
Book Fair/Book Talks

Book Fair/Book Talks

Reading is a fundamental part of learning. This week, we celebrate reading with our annual Scholastic Book Fair. It is a great opportunity for students to pick out books that interest them while supporting their school! As part of our reading celebration, at morning...
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

The weather held out for grades K -3 on their annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Students spent the morning roaming through ghosts picking out pumpkins, wandering the corn field maze and visiting the live turkeys. Students and chaperones alike also enjoyed a hayride –...
Buddy Time

Buddy Time

At Saint Monica School, community is at the center of our program. Older students have buddy time with younger students to foster the spirit of community within our school. Our 5th grade class took a field trip to our partner preschool, Saint Thomas the Apostle...
The Blue Angels Arrive!

The Blue Angels Arrive!

Location, location, location! Students were treated to a preview of the Blue Angels weekend airshow as they flew by, at times directly over the school. It is an annual treat for our students. In addition to the spectacle, students got a little extra recess time to...

Feast of St. Francis Blessing of the Animals

The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and ecology, is on October 4th. Today, at our morning assembly, we remembered St. Francis, our city’s namesake. Fr. Ben reminded the assembly of the special place animals have in our lives. He said the...
Kindergarten Visits Fire Station 14

Kindergarten Visits Fire Station 14

In kindergarten, students experience their community through several field trips. Our kindergarten class went on their annual visit to our local fire house, San Francisco Fire Station 14. During their visit, students learned about fire prevention and fire safety. They...
Bake Sale for St. Jude’s

Bake Sale for St. Jude’s

The Saint Monica Student Council held a Bake Sale to benefit Saint Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. They sold sweet treats, cuties, and juice. In all, they raised $814. As leaders of our student body, they modeled for younger students the importance of charitable...
High School Visit

High School Visit

Preparation for high school is a primary focus in 8th grade. As part of this preparation, our junior high classes are visited by various high schools. Today they were visited by Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory. A school administrator as well as Saint Monica School...
Dot Day!

Dot Day!

Saint Monica School’s grades K-3 celebrated their 2nd Annual Dot Day! International Dot Day, inspired by the book “The Dot,” by Peter H. Reynolds, is a “a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration” where students build their confidence to “make their...
2024 Fun Run!

2024 Fun Run!

The weather couldn’t dampen the fun of our 2024 Annual Fun Run Fundraiser! Music, dance, games added to the fun. The entire student body, as well as our principal, Mr. Sweeters, and Pastor Fr. Ben Rosado, came out to run. Parent volunteers were on hand to count...
The 2024-2025 School Year Is Underway!

The 2024-2025 School Year Is Underway!

Today, students were welcomed into their classrooms for the 2024-2025 school year! Students were greeted by their new homeroom teachers. Our school community then assembled in the school yard for the year’s first Morning Student Assembly led by our new 8th grade...
Runoff Gardens Near Completion

Runoff Gardens Near Completion

Saint Monica School’s storm water Runoff Garden Project is near completion! Three gardens are being added to our school yards to beautify our campus and will be irrigated with storm runoff water. In addition to the gardens, over the summer, we reconfigured our...
Kindergarten Promotion

Kindergarten Promotion

Congratulations to our kindergarten class who were promoted to 1st grade! They celebrated their completion of kindergarten with their families at our promotion ceremony. Kindergarten teacher Ms. Van Hattem (or Ms. V) noted students had completed their learning and...
Class of 2024

Class of 2024

Graduation is just around the corner. The Class of 2024 is concluding their journey at Saint Monica School. High School decisions have been made. Students are prepared for the next step in their education. There are a host of events to mark the completion of this...

Celebrating Earth Week

Saint Monica School celebrated our earth during Earth Week with a series of activities. The Student Council sponsored a Creative Contest focusing on the themes: ecology, environmentalism, stewardship. Open to all grades, students were asked to create an art...

Students on Retreat

A highlight of the school year for students is the participation in academic and character-building retreats. Retreats take place in a safe, supportive learning environment and allow students to engage in hands on learning experiences outside the classroom as well as...

Spring Musical – Oklahoma!

Our spring musical performance, Oklahoma!, was a hit! Students from all grades participated in the show, including actors and stage crew. There were two performances – a student matinee and evening event. Our performances are always free! Instead, donations are...

May Crowning

As has been our tradition, in celebration of mothers in the month of May, our 1st grade class prepared a special Mass to honor Jesus’ mother, Mary. They acted as liturgical ministers, including doing readings, responsorial psalms, and petitions. First graders also...